• 2010 Experience China & Explore Opportunities Episode5 - the Developing World

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  • The Developing World

    Ever wonder how to adapt to the rapid changes and catch the opportunities in the developing world?
    Join CEOs’ 2010 Experience China & Explore Opportunities Episode5 - the Developing World and have a close discussion with Fredrik Härén, founder of interesting.org and author of the book - the developing world.

    Fredrik Härén is a Swedish entrepreneur, publisher and author who now lives in Singapore. He is the founder of a creativity company called interesting.org, and has been invited to speak on creativity in over 1000 sessions to people in more than 30 countries. He was awarded "Speaker of the Year" in Sweden, and was selected as one of "Sweden's 100 most inspiring persons" by the magazine "Leva". He was selected one of "10 Sweden's most sought after business-to-business speakers". Fredrik has written a total of 7 books.
    Here is a link to some of Fredrik's speeches' short clips and Interview : http://www.theideabook.org/video/

    About Interesting.org
    Interesting.org was founded in 2000 by Fredrik Härén and Teo Härén (twin brothers). The company’s business idea is to inspire people to have more and better ideas.
    Interesting.org helps people and organizations to develop their creativity. This is done though creativity products such as books and through creativity services such as corporate training, speeches and seminars. The company has been extremely successful in Scandinavia and is now looking at setting up a global head quarter in Singapore to handle the growing demand for its products from around the world. For more information, please visit http://www.interesting.org/

    About Fredrik's book - The developing world
    In a world that is changing at a swift and furious pace, traditional knowledge is fast losing its value. As our world stands on the brink of an idea explosion, it is our ability to absorb new knowledge and come up with new ideas - and to make them come true - that is ever-increasingly important.

    Fredrik Härén has spent the last 3 years interviewing more than 200 people in 20 countries (from China and South Korea to Turkey and South Africa) about this change and what changes people have to do to be able to handle it.
    * What will this rapid change lead to?
    * What problems do today’s’ organizations face when it comes to adapting to the speed of change?
    * What can we learn from the people who are best at adapting to change?
    * What are the advantages of living in a Developing Country when it comes to adapting to this change, and what can the Developed World learn?

    When: October 30 (SAT) 14:00-16:00
    Where: RMI-SRL1-Seminar Room @ Level 1, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, I3 Building, NUS
    Admission is Free (with RSVP) Please RSVP by 29 Oct 2010 @ http://rsvp.ceo-s.org/episode5.

    About CEOs

    Chinese Entrepreneurship Organization Singapore (CEOs) ®C This organisation aims to build strong ties between Singapore and China, to help young Chinese entrepreneurs succeed. CEOs aims to raise the interest in business opportunities present in Singapore and China, as well as expose students to the business landscape, culture, etiquette and development of both countries. This will be done through a number of activities such as student/ businessman/ Chinese entrepreneur sharing events, business trips to China and arranging Chinese visitors to come to Singapore. CEOs will help to increase cross-investments in both countries, establish business partnerships and collaborations, as well as boost business tourism.





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